澳門獨立視野: 青洲山上 Hill of Ilha Verde

青洲山上照片 (21 of 64)


澳門 / 2014 / 彩色 / 45分鐘
導演: 張經緯


似夢乍醒之間,少女逐漸揭開了那些不為人知的往事。旭日初起,少女帶着故事的碎片,回到起點,吃一頓平凡的早飯,卻已是不同的滋味了。俗語謂「家家有本難念的經」,家庭美滿是否遙不可及的理想? 本片跟隨少女的卻步遊走賭城各處,探討家庭這個恆常的主題,同時呈現澳門在博彩娛樂業以外的另一面。

Hill of Ilha Verde

Macau / 2014 / Color / 45 mins
In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Director: Cheung King Wai

Since the handover to China, “Las Vegas of the Orient”, Macau has become the number

one gambling city in the world. At the night of this endless city, a 14 year-old girl Hio

leaves home taking a journey alone to search for her mum. Wandering between the

dream and the reality, she visits her family members scattered in different parts of the

city. The forgotten secret of the family is gradually revealed. How does she deal with the

sorrow past, in the city where everyone wants to forget about it? With pieces of the

family story, she goes back to where she started when the sun rises. Is “reunion” just an

intangible dream? Following the journey of Hio, this film unfolds the complex of family

and reveals the unique moment at which the Macanese have undergone due to the

soaring economy.


導演簡介: 張經緯

第二十九屆香港電影金像獎新晉導演、第四十六屆金 馬獎最佳紀錄片、最佳剪接及最佳音效得主、2009 年香港藝術 發展局年度藝術家。1968 年在香港出生,祖籍深圳,畢業於香港演藝學院及美國紐 約市立大學布魯克林學院。自畢業短片 Farewell Hong Kong, 入圍美國日舞影展後,其作品都入圍電影節並引起社會關注。

Director’s Biography: CHEUNG, King Wai

The Best New Director at the 29th Hong Kong Film Awards, the Winner of the Best Documentary, the Best Sound Editing and the Best Editing at the 46th Golden Horse Awards and the Award for Best Artist at Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2009. Born in Hong Kong in 1968 and originated in Shenzhen, King Wai CHEUNG graduated in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Brooklyn College, City University of New York. His first film project, “Farewell Hong Kong”, competed in the Sundance Film Festival. Since then, his works have selected in many film festivals all over the world.
